2019年度「乳の社会文化ネットワーク」会員の清水池 義治先生(北海道大学大学院)が、「地震災害がミルクサプライチェーンに及ぼす影響と既存対策の課題-平成30年北海道胆振東部地震を事例として-」を日本フードシステム学会誌「フードシステム研究」に発表されましたので、ご紹介いたします。



清水池 義治 [北海道大学]
安田  驍    [元 北海道大学]
戴  容秦思 [摂南大学]


An increasing number of studies have pointed out that the perspective of a supply chain rather than an individual industry is  important for disaster management in the dairy industry. This study aims to evaluate existing disaster measures by analyzing the  impacts of the 2008 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake on a milk supply chain. The analysis primarily addresses the stages from  dairy farming to milk processing, focusing on the redundancy and flexibility of the supply chain. The widespread electricity outage  caused by the earthquake brought most dairy plants to a halt and a large amount of raw milk was discarded. However, milk  production quickly recovered as many dairy farmers were able to use their own power generators. Compared to raw milk  production, dairy corporations took a longer time to recover due to the disposal of products and raw milk as well as restrictions on  capacity for raw milk transportation. The supply chain measures after the earthquake were based on the policy of minimizing milk  wastage by continuously shipping raw milk to dairy plants with power generation facilities, even during power outages. This policy  framework is similar to supply and demand adjustment in normal times and presupposes that milk corporations pay more  adjustment costs than producers. However, depending on the scale of the disaster, this approach may not be effective and could  have a prolonged impact on the supply chain. To increase supply chain resilience, it is necessary to discuss how to share costs  among chain actors.

